Best House Plants That Improve Air Quality


Did you know that the air inside our homes is 5-7 times more polluted than outdoor air? The average person also spends about 90% of their time indoors. Making indoor air quality a major factor to our health! There are a lot of ways we can begin to make a difference in our air quality by using safe, clean products, however today I am going to share with you some house plants that can help eliminate these toxins from your home or office!

I love having live plants in my home, not only for the fact that they can improve the air quality, but also for the way they add to each space! I have been known to kill many plants, however a lot of these plants are very hardy and easy to keep alive!

How do houseplants clean the air? I was just reading about this with my 10 year old, and it’s pretty amazing! It’s something I’m sure most of you learned back in grade school, and now we can put it to good use! Plants absorb some of the particle pollution from the air while they also take in carbon dioxide, which is processed into oxygen through photosynthesis. You also have microorganisms in the potting soil that contribute to the cleaning effect.

So here are 5 of my favorite house plants that can make a difference in your air quality:

  1. Ficus | Weeping Fig

    This is a hardy plant that can grow between 2 to 10 feet tall. It likes bright, indirect light and you want to allow the soil to dry out between waterings. The pollutants that it can remove from the air are: benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

  2. Dracaena

    There are over 40 different varieties of dracaena plants. However if you are a cat or dog owner you may want to find another option as they can be toxic to them. The pollutants that it can remove from the air are: benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene.

  3. Snake Plant

    This is a very difficult plant to kill, it only requires occasional watering, and like dry conditions with some sunlight. It is sometimes called Mother-in-Law’s Tongue. The pollutants that it can remove from the air are: benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene.

  4. Aloe

    This is another plant that is easy to care for! It also has additional benefits inside the plant's leaves. The clear liquid inside is full of vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and other compounds that have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, and have been known to support the healing of wounds. The pollutant that it can remove from the air is: formaldehyde.

  5. Spider Plant

    These are also among the easiest houseplants to grow, I am a fan of the low maintenance house plants! Spider plants love bright, indirect sunlight, and will send out shoots with flowers that eventually grow into baby spider plants. The pollutants that it can remove from the air are: formaldehyde and xylene.