Pajamas & Pancakes Party

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The boys were planning a fun weekend away camping, so I wanted to think of something special to do with Piper while they were gone. She had been asking to have a sleepover with her friends and cousins, and I was entertaining the idea! However, I was hesitant because with how young the girls all are I knew sleeping might be trouble. That’s when I decided to have the party, without the sleeping over! We had all the fun, and everyone even got to wear their PJ’s…then everyone went home and slept soundly in their own beds! Success!

We started off the night by making a craft. All of the girls made dream catchers using some inexpensive supplies I picked up from the craft store. This craft was a bit of a challenge with how young the girls were, the younger ones needed lots of help, and with only a few adults there it made slightly difficult. So I would recommend this craft for ages 6 and up!

You can read about more party details below!

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These gluten free donuts were do easy to make using a gluten free cake mix and simply piping the batter into a donut pan. If you don’t have a donut pan you can find one, HERE.

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Once everyone finished their crafts we enjoyed breakfast for dinner. I pre-made mini pancakes and had them in small stacks with fun tissue tassels glued to the tops of the wooden skewers. I also served fresh fruit, bacon, gluten free donuts, and a frittata. You can find more of the details below!

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I loved watching the girls be silly together dancing and playing games! It was such a sweet time for all of them to be together. We played freeze dance, duck duck goose, painted nails, watched a movie, and played a very messy but fun flour game that I explain below.

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For this game you will need a bag of flour, a cup, a plastic knife, and some small candies. Everyone sits in a circle and you place the flour in the cup, then tip out like you would a sand castle in the center of the circle. You place one of the candy pieces on the top carefully. Then everyone takes a turn slicing some of the flour off of the mold using the knife. You continue to pass the knife around the circle and the person that makes the candy fall or flour mold crumble has to use their mouth only to pick up the piece of candy. This is a messy game that we played outside on an old outdoor rug. Makes for lots of laughs!

unicorn slime recipe

At the end of the night all of the girls went home with a jar of unicorn slime that Piper and I have made earlier that day. This is one of Piper’s favorite things to make and play with, what little kid doesn’t want to play with unicorn slime?!?! You can find the recipe we used HERE.