Thieves Soft Scrub Recipe


This soft scrub is so easy to throw together! I have been using the Thieves cleaner diluted with water in a spray bottle for years to replace all of my cleaning products for floors, glass and surfaces. However, I recently mixed up this soft scrub to get a deeper clean for sinks, tubs, and toilets. I was instantly impressed with how well it cleans! This easy mixture is not only chemical free, but smells wonderful and is amazing for removing those tough stains that can build up in sinks and toilets!

Did you know that the average American uses about 25 gallons of toxic chemical products per year in their home? A major portion of these can be found in household cleaning products. The toxic chemicals in household cleaners are three times more likely to cause cancer than air pollution. Women who work at home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than those who work away from home. A 15 year study concluded that it was directly related to the much higher exposer rate to toxic chemicals in common household products! It is only 26 seconds after exposer to these chemicals that traces can be found in measurable amounts in the human body!

If you are looking to remove toxins from your home, cleaning supplies are a great place to start! This thieves cleaner makes is so easy too! It’s an all purpose cleaner that is very concentrated so a little bit goes a long way! You can also rest knowing that you are using a product that is safe for your family! I am passionate about helping others to get these harmful chemicals out of their homes! If you are interested in getting started with using the essential oils and the thieves cleaner I would love to be a support to you! Feel free to reach out to me on my contact page or if you’d like to shop Young Living’s products you can visit my site HERE.

If you already have all of these ingredients on hand, go mix up some of this soft scrub! Happy Cleaning!


  • 1 cup baking soda

  • 8 drops lemon essential oil

  • 1 capful thieves cleaner

Combine ingredients in a glass jar, stir until well combined. Store in glass jar with lid. When ready to use, sprinkle about 1-2 tablespoons on surface and scrub. Rinse with water.