Essential Oil Starter Kit Guide

Young Living Essential Oil Starter Kit Guide.png

Young Living’s Premium Starter Kit is the best way to get started using the essential oils and what I recommend for to everyone! You get a variety of all of the most commonly used and popular oils along with a diffuser! It is also an amazing value! If you have your starter kit and are looking to learn more about each oil than continue to read on, as I will share with you great ways that you can begin using all of these oils on a daily basis!

The premium starter kit no longer includes copaiba, but now has valor and peace & calming. I have included all of these oils below for those that have the the old and new starter kits.

If you are interested in learning more about getting started with the essential oils you can visit the Oils tab at the top of the page or click HERE. I would love to assist you and continue to offer support along the way!



SLEEP: Diffuse or rub on feet and pillow to help promote relaxation and deeper sleep.

SEASONAL SUPPORT: Diffuse or apply to help with environmental changes.

SKIN: Mix with carrier oil to help soothe common skin issues.

EVERYDAY STRESS: Diffuse to help relax muscles and ease tension.

LASHES & HAIR: Add to mascara and conditioner to help promote healthy hair growth.

BATH: Add a few drops to a cup of Epsom salts to help relax and unwind.

LIPS: Rub a drop with some carrier oil on lips to soften and smooth.

DANDRUFF: Rub several drops into the scalp.



DIGESTION: Add to a capsule or water to help support normal digestion.

NAUSEA/MOTION SICKNESS: Inhale, or add 1 drop to water and sip slowly.

FLAVORING: Add to meals and baked goods as a flavoring and natural preservative.

FRESH BREATH: Place a drop on the tongue to freshen breath.



OCCASIONAL ACHES: Dilute and apply topically as needed.

HEAD TENSION: Rub a diluted drop on the temples, forehead, and back of the neck.

BACK & JOINTS: Dilute and massage on desired area for muscle and joint comfort.

GROWING PAINS: Mix with massage oil and rub on location.

MASSAGE: Add a few drops into your next massage for an invigorating experience.

CHEST RUB: Mix with coconut oil and apply to chest to help open respiratory channels.



CLARITY: Diffuse for greater mental clarity and to help uplift mood.

HEARTBURN: Add 3 drops to a glass of water to help reduce occasional heartburn.

DISHWASHER: Add a few drops to dishwasher to help remove hard water spots.

ORAL HEALTH: Rub 1 drop onto gums to support healthy gums.

DISHCLOTHS: Soak cloths overnight in water with 1 drop of lemon to keep them fresh.

CLOTH DIAPERS: Add a few drops to your wash to help brighten.

GUM & GREASE: Use 1-2 drops to remove gum, grease, temporary tattoos, and crayons from most surfaces.

*Photosensitivity: keep application area out of direct sunlight for 8-10 hours.

*Plastic/Styrofoam: Avoid using lemon in plastic and styrofoam. Lemon digests petrochemicals, and should be used in glass.



MOOD: Diffuse to increase feelings of happiness.

IMMUNITY: Apply on the soles of the feet for a dose of Vitamin C and d-limonene.

AIR: Diffuse 3-5 drops to purify the air in your home and remove odors.

CLARITY: Diffuse while studying to help promote mental clarity and calm the body.

LAUNDRY: Put one drop on dryer balls to add an uplifting citrus scent to your laundry.



MAGNIFIER: Adding this oil to other oils helps magnify the properties of those oils.

DIGESTIVE AID: Take 1 drop in a capsule to support digestion.

IMMUNITY BOOST: Add 1 drop to your NingXia Red.

BABY”S GUMS: Dilute with carrier oil and apply to help soothe baby’s teething gums.

THROAT SOOTHER: Add 1-2 drops to a spoonful of honey.

(Copaiba is no longer included in the new starter kits, however it would be a great oil to order during a future purchase.)



STRESS: Dilute and apply to desired areas to help keep you calm.

CONFIDENCE: Add 1 drop to a diffuser bracelet or necklace to breathe and help promote confidence.

MOOD: Diffuse 2 drops with 2 drops Orange to help improve your mood.

RELAX: Add 3 drops to 1/4 cup Epsom salt and soak away your tension.

TENSION: Apply topically to assist with muscle tension from everyday stress.



IMMUNITY: Ingest 1-2 drops in a capsule to support wellness all year long.

THIEVES TEA: Drink 2-3 drops daily to help support the immune system.

HEAD TENSION: Place a drop on thumb and press into the roof of mouth.

ORAL CARE: Gargle 1 drop in water, or add 1 drop to your toothbrush to support healthy gums and teeth. Add 1 drop to a spoonful of coconut oil for oil pulling.



CONCENTRATION: Rub 1-2 drops on the back of the neck to help improve concentration.

YOUTHFUL SKIN: Mix with lavender and coconut oil and apply morning and night.

EVERYDAY STRESS: Apply to the temples and wrists.

HEALTHY NAILS: Apply several times per week to nails and base of nails.

SLEEP: Diffuse with lavender for a restful night’s sleep.

PRAYER & MEDITATION: Diffuse for a deeper spiritual connection.

FACIAL CARE: Add a drop to your favorite toxin-free facial moisturizer to help promote healthier-looking skin.



DIGESTION: Add 1 drop under tongue to help support healthy digestion.

HEALTHY ELIMINATION: Use regularly to help support healthy bowel movements.

HEARTBURN: Add 1 drop to water and sip to help soothe esophagus and stomach.

MOTION SICKNESS: Add 1 drop to water and sip or put into a capsule.



BREATHE EASY: Diffuse to help open up respiratory channels.

CHEST RUB: Mix with coconut oil and apply to chest to breathe more easily.

EXERCISE: Apply topically or inhale before exercising to increase lung capacity.

BATH: Add 5 drops to 1 cup Epsom salt to help keep airways clear.

CLARITY: Diffuse or inhale directly to clear the mind.



SLEEP: Rub 1-2 drops to the bottom of feet or back of neck before bedtime to support a restful night sleep.

CALMING: Rub 1 drop to the bottom of feet or onto the tummy to help calm calm your child.

BATH: Add 5 drops to 1 cup of Epsom salt to support relaxation and calm.

MASSAGE: Combine with massage oil for a relaxing massage experience.

*Photosensitivity: keep application area out of direct sunlight for 8-10 hours.



MOOD: Apply to the wrists and back of the neck to boost your mood.

CONFIDENCE: Diffuse with frankincense to support self-confidence.

SLEEP: Rub onto the bottom of feet for a restful night’s sleep.

EVERYDAY STRESS: Apply to wrists or inhale directly.